Family Pictures Outfit Guide – ShopSOLS


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Family Pictures Outfit Guide

Family Pictures Outfit Guide

You got this.

It's that time of year again, family photos! Love them or hate them, they seem to be a pretty inevitable part of life.
As we are coming out of quarantines and lock downs, it feels like a perfect time to celebrate our people. 

Bold and fun colors

Choosing a neutral and a couple of coordinating accent colors is a great strategy to make your photos pop. We love our Ana in colors like mustard and peony for this very reason, they add some interest to your photos.  



The two best pieces of advice we got were:

1. Choose mom's/dad's/caregiver's outfit first. Find that dress, those pants, those shoes, whatever makes you feel like a million bucks and then plan everyone's outfits based on that. If you're happy and confident, everyone else will be too.


2. Don't obsess over outfit choices too much! Sometimes we tend to overplan outfits and that can have the opposite effect than what we want. Have FUN and remember you are capturing a whole messy, complicated, and wonderful stage of life.

Complementing Patterns

Pro tip: A color palette generating website like can make planning family pictures colors a breeze!

 Beautiful Neutrals

We have shoes for the whole family, from neutrals to those fun accent colors. Click HERE to plan for the family!

Your SOLS Mates 
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